A male yearling and a doe drink together from the birdbath. Several minutes prior to this photo several does, yearlings and fawns gathered here to drink and browse.
It's interesting to watch the hierarchical interactions within the herd. The matriarch chased off the lower ranking deer who tried to drink before she herself was finished. The sprinkler dribbles water slowly into the bath and it takes a while to refill once emptied. With all the deer trying to get in and drink, the matriarch had a problem getting her fill.
I was observing the herd from an upper deck of the house and had taken 70 photos of the herd. Unfortunately I had my camera on the wrong setting and every photo was out of focus! I returned later to a different spot and captured this photo of these two deer quietly drinking together.
The extra is taken at sunset. The last light of day is reflected in the birdbath in the foreground and Mt. Adams rises in the gloaming in the distance.
Thanks again for your comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's morning glory photo.
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