Definitely Visible

By allieballie

The things I have to do .....

Can't go into details for obvious reasons but I had a pupil on my caseload today who I had to cajole to go into his Home Economics class. The conversation ended up like this:

Me - What are you making today anyway?

Pupil (mournfully) - Potato wedges and salsa

M (knowing that P is a fussy eater) - Do you like potato wedges?

P sadly shakes head

M - Are you going to take them home for your Mum?

P shakes head again

M (full of bright ideas) - Right then, I've got a nice salad at home, get to class and make those potato wedges for my tea. I can have them with my salad and a bit of chicken.

P looks about to come up with another excuse

M - No excuses. I'm really looking forward to having them tonight now. Get to class and bring them up to me at the end.

P goes with reluctance. However, the wedges and salsa arrive via one of the support assistants when the lesson is over.

So .... I felt I had to take a photo of them alongside my chicken and salad, and I can show the pupil tomorrow. By then I know they will be feeling a lot better about what was bothering them today and they'll be chuffed to see that their food was eaten and appreciated by me.

I drizzled a bit of piri piri sauce over the chicken, but I needn't have bothered really as the salsa was absolutely delicious and full of flavour - it would have been enough on it's own to lift the plain chicken. The wedges were good too. A job well done by my talented pupil!

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