A little hug goes a long way

Sadly yesterday's Amazon driver caused an uneasy night. Munch was unsettled a lot, dreams of the 'bad man' coming into the house. Just to clarify he was called the bad man as he did something he shouldn't have done!)

Wom also unsettled but think that was the heat.

Took Wom to nursery then munchie and I went to the pub for breakfast. She loved it and devoured her pancakes with maple syrup and bacon. We got lots of jobs done then I took her to new nursery.

She sobbed on drop off, hugs deployed then I left but she saw I was upset. I got home and daddy deployed hugs. Picked her up two hours later abd greeted with a hug.

Went to collect Wom together.

Wom slept, we played.

Went school shoe shopping, love the pair munchie chose. As shop was quiet we got Wom some new shoes too. Love his.

Lots of playing in the garden / Wom washed his tractor, munchie did swimming and splashing. The two of them had massive head clash. Lots and lots of cuddles.

I left daddy to do bedtime. Went out for tea.
Apologies for late blip

Love the picture of Wom snd Mrs cat slmost mirroring each other's poses

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