
...or is it a moth? Could a blipping lepidopterist please let me know what it is?

After a day spent in the new Olympic sport of couch-potating I thought I had best do something today. I've done the shopping, a session of pilates in the front bedroom and a pretty rubbish run around St Ives which I will have to work on. I've also made a tray of blackcurrant and raspberry buns (using my prize from the WI Quiz) and watered the plants in the greenhouse and the baskets on the patio. I rummaged through the shed and found the old airbed pump which has lost a vital piece of its machinery so I reckon the workout I did pumping up my exercise ball now means I can sit all evening with my new bottle of wine and my Green & Black's 85% chocolate bar feeling guiltless. Job's a good one.

Loved the fact that the presenter on local TV at lunchtime said that if Yorkshire was a country we would be 12th in the medals table right now, in front of several large countries - way to go the Tykes!

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