
Went to Glasgow to get a few things for daughter going back to school.

While we were there hubby started to get toothache and by the time we were ready to head home he was in a lot of pain. He decided to stop in at the dentist on our way home so I took the chance to take some sneaky photos. There are always lots of cyclists and walkers at this time of year. I thought I was being discreet yet in most of the photos someone seems to have spotted me. I said hello to the Doctor as he passed. He commented that I had picked a good spot to take sneaky shots!

Must work on my discretion.

(We received money for our anniversary so treated ourselves to a little Nikon 1 yet for some reason Blip is having difficulty recognising the data!)

Hubby has headed back to the dentist so hope he will be okay as he heads back to work tomorrow.

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