Heard It In a Love Song

So much of my life I relate to music, and today was a prime example. On our way into town today, we heard the Marshall Tucker Band song, "Heard It In a Love Song," a grooving little Southern rock ballad from the 70s. While I sang along, I remembered working with my dad in the summers and this song playing on the radio of the old '69 Pontiac station wagon we'd be driving around. My dad could be a curmudgeon back then, but at times he'd like to mess around, so he'd sing this song, "Purty Little Love Song." I'd crack up, and he'd look at me like, "What?" 

So I had to come up with a picture of old Bob Witten for this blip. This one is from 46 years ago this month, a dinner in Rome. I didn't have one of him behind the wheel of that Pontiac singing along to the Marshall Tucker Band. That's my mom in the yellow dress, my brother Jeff in the blue shirt, and me on the right side of the table, blue suit, dark hair. Forty six years. 

So much of the time our parents, long gone, seem so far away from us. At other times, like this little love song playing, they are right there in the song singing to us. Yeah, it's a purty little love song.

Here's the link if you want to listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkOsccnyFWs

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