Return to the North

By Viking

K stop

Was up early this morning because I was going to be doing some power washing of my aunt's drive and paths but 1) we couldn't find the nozzle for the jet washer and 2) it was too bloody hot! So after a lovely lunch I headed home to potter around.
I cooked tea and then persuaded sis to head out to the Humber with me. I had spotted what I thought might be a nice walk along the riverbank. Alas after a couple of hundred years there was a gat (locked) and barbed wire, so we could go no further. This was particularly frustrating as I could see hundreds of birds out on the mudflats. I took this shot and have blipped it but it isn't as close as I would like and the light was fading. I have included contrasting sunsets in the extras. Both taken straight after each other but changing the K on the camera settings.

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