Lighting problems!

I tried really hard to get up early today, but after the hornet debacle last night, it was midnight before I got to sleep. Anyway, my alarm, which went off at 6.05, eventually roused me at 6.20. So after feeding me and the animals, but not walking any of them, I got out at 7.10 arriving at work at 8.05.

I'm feeling a bit of information overload in my new job at the moment. It is amazing how different forms, and processes for something I've probably done a thousand times, make the job into something brand new. I'm making notes, and hoping for time to type them up. Did another transfer quote today, and was trained on preserved benefits. It is like being 20 again - I wish my brain was as sharp as when I learnt it all the first time round! The main thing is I am still enjoying it and certain it will all become second nature soon....well, soonish anyway!

Home by 6, just after Jon. Watered my chickens and made dinner. Now I had planned to look at some jewellery that needs mending for a friend. I've got my bead box out, but the lighting in the conservatory - 3 table lamps strategically placed each with its own poorly performing eco bulb, just isn't good enough. I may have to move to the lounge (sad face).

We have had a look outside for hornets, but none yet. They will wake up soon I am sure. In the meantime, I'm getting air into the rooms, and just keeping my fingers crossed!

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