Burgess Hill

I spent some time pretending I was in some exotic location, lying on my sun bed and reading my book. But no, just burgess hill with its far superior line of water slides for Will and his friend. It was a far more pleasant couple of hours than I had expected. Then home for a bacon sandwich lunch followed by intensive computer work for the boys and Lounge Clearance for me. I have been increasingly aware that Will uses behind the settee as s general storage area/ dumping ground - I was quite unprepared for the two sacks of rubbish I generated across the room.

Daisy has gone for a tent sleepover after a mornings work, it being such a fine day I knocked up a curry for tea. Obviously I didn't call it curry instead "chicken tikka masala just like you really loved when you had it at school but with prawns".

And then an intensely sea weedy walk. I suspect just to annoy me after a day in the (cool) house, Rosie kept leaving her ball in the most challenging and thick of seaweed situations.

I shall buck the trend of the holiday week tomorrow by doing a spot of work, thus piloting the one day working week.

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