August Challenge: writing

sometimes you don't need pen & paper to write words....a face tells a story....

a friend of ours who'se wife is 2 weeks off giving birth to their 2nd baby, asked yesterday if I could come help getting the kitchen ready.....the story goes like this:

they bought a lovely stone cottage...moved in and a few weeks later it all downstairs was uninhabitable, needed to be cleared, dried out..and after months could be 'rebuilt'.

so off we went, hubby coming along as it was 'out in the sticks....'

well let me just say that the narrowest lane ever is a motorway compared with the small tractor track we needed to get to their house....

but we found it....coming there we found the builder wasn't finished....the cottage not habitable tilll probably the end of the week...and that's optimistic....

but when it's done it'll be really lovely...and the views are A-MA-ZING... hills, a brook at the bottom of the garden, rabbits running along....

here's hoping and praying the baby isn't early......

this lovely lassie is their daughter playing peek-a-boo from an upstairs window

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