Tiny Tuesday

How can a tiny piece of plastic cause such disruption to one's day. Well, when you come back from hols you usually have your dirty washing to do so this morning loaded up the washing machine, put the detergent and conditioner into their little drawers, pressed the on button,( everything going smoothly so far)pressed the quick wash button no probs then it was time for the START/Pause button only it didn't start :(. Of course you start to press the on/off button to see if that helps NOPE, then you press the START/Pause button a few times to see if by some kind of magic and mental persuasive thoughts it might help NOPE so then its time to bring in the Big Guns, Daaaaaaviiiiiid the washing machine won't work!!!! shouts me to David upstairs. He pulls the machine out and starts to take it apart to try and figure out what is wrong(i switched off machine first at mains incase you wondered). Eventually with being careful he got to the bottom of the problem, it was a bit of plastic (which is standing next to the old button unit on the shelve) which sits behind the buttons and when pushed it makes contact with the circuit board , only it was broken so we had to get a new button plastic bit which we did luckily from a very nice lady who runs a repair shop :)
David put it all back together and machine is now working :):):)
It does get you thinking , this machine is not old and yet the parts inside of it aren't really made to last its all plastic but that seems to be the thing now with a lot of household equipment. Whereas my old Zannusi machine lasted for years but no quarentee that this machine will last as long :(:( xx 

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