The Office

I was supposed to be working all day. Shame really as Mr W could have done with my car as he had a longer trip than me this afternoon. But anyway, I had to go from one job straight to the other which meant an hour or so's wait. Arrived at destination only to find I was in fact cancelled!!! What a waste of an afternoon!!! And too late to get to Mr W with the car!!

So I came home and was able to get a few time sheets done in the peace and quiet. 

I also text Mr W tell tell him how much I loved him after I found he's actually vacuumed the bedroom AND cleaned the bathroom!!!! I was in a state of shock as Mr W doesnt really do housework! He's more an odd job man!! But now that I am working much longer hours than he is, I did ask that he helped me out a bit, because even though he's meant to be retired......I don't think that includes housework!!!

When Mr W did get back I demanded that he took me to the cinema as I really needed to get away from anything work related. We saw 'Mike and Dave and the Wedding Guests'. A very rude film with a few LOL moments. The best bit was my warm popcorn. The worst bit was Mr W shouting at the people next to me playing on their phone!!! Bit embarrassing!!!

So heres my table!! I hid the Twix wrapper!


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