It's the End of the World as We Know It

I thought I'd just call in on the end of the world as I headed home from East Kent. In case you don't recognise this bleak, windswept landscape, it's Dungeness, a shingle headland, which is littered with rusty ironmongery and machinery, derelict sheds and boats and along the road through it are some lovely wooden houses. They used to be fishermen's cottages but now fetch huge sums of money. It is designated a national nature reserve  (NNR), a Special Protection Area  (SPA), a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest  (SSSI). Oh, I forgot to mention that there's a large power station situated there too.

I think you may be able see some of these things in today's blip but what you probably won't get is the atmosphere, the sense of wonder that strikes you when you walk on this strange wilderness.

There are a few more here.

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