Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hitting the streets

Fab day again today, but my god we did some walking! Crossed times square, leaping with delight at the news on the dot matrix billboard about Andy Murray getting the gold in the tennis; stopped for strawberry and peanut butter ice cream cake in Bryant Park; walked down to the Empire State and did the tourist thing on the 86th floor which was good fun; then walked fifth avenue all the way down to Union Circle and across to Greenwich Village. Got some way along the Hudson River walk before giving up and getting a taxi home.

Union circle was good - lots of happy people, splashing in the fountain, and mime artists and impromptu jazz bands.

Mother of a storm, but brief; lots of lightning and the city skyline disappeared for several minutes behind a wall of rain.

Grabbed some local pizza but exhausted again tonight. Sweet dreams ...

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