This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

the worst picture of a beautiful cake

Today I...

Straightened the house a bit, made some humous and cut up some bell peppers and got out the carrots and cleaned out my fridge and packed up the art and waited to go to the Public Library for my reception for my exhibition Hush that was held today from 3-5.

I am just going to say things went a bit awry before the opening, things that were supposed to be there so that I could hang Stewart's and my work were not there, fast thinking needed to happen but everything was going slow....

I got it all together and made it look as good as it could, I took pictures of it with Jennifer's camera but forgot to get the images from her later.

Stewart and I sold a piece at the show and I sold two more of my small works on paper that I created while in Edinburgh! So it made all the weirdness worth it in the end.

I have lovely friends who were there to support me and take the big half full bottles of wine the library provided once the show was over. True friends.

Afterwards we all went back to my place and had a little party and even got to see Stewart for a bit on skype. We had cake too, this time a strawberry cake from a french bakery and we listened to music, ate pizza and had tarot readings. We have nice little parties. Needless to say I drank the wine.

I sure wish I could find my battery charger... this phone picture of the cake does it no justice and I sure wish Stewart could have been there.

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