Mixed weather......and flowers

Firstly, apologies, I forgot to share the answer to the quiz question....apparently it's surprisingly lower than we or you thought!! Only 57% of Americans require a cup of coffee before they can commence their day :-)'

Slept well again last night ;-)..........we caught up on the nights recorded Olympics, then off down town for a couple of things. Called in Reds for a coffee, not been in for a few days, enjoyed our cappuccino. We decided on a longer walk along the canal before the rain came in........it was very blustery, the clouds scudding along. There are still plenty of wild flowers around as you can see :-)

Once we got back home we had tomatoes with chilli and bacon on toast for brunch, by which time the forecast rain had arrived, so we decided it was time to do some household chores.

I cleaned the inside of all the downstairs windows and patio doors, followed by all the marble worktops and kitchen floor, whilst hub did the bathrooms, upstairs and down. We had a breather, with a cuppa, then some vacuuming, before I made dinner, which was roasted pork chops, with apple and sage, runner beans, sweet potatoe for me, and ordinary for hub :-)

We've just watched a film, The Martian, which we both really enjoyed, before catching up with more Olympics.....shame for our taekwondo guys, especially that one silly mistake :-(

More mixed weather on the agenda for tomorrow by the sound of it.......hope you're all having a good weekend peeps :-)

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