The Picture Taker


Art fair in the rain

It's been an interesting day, weather-wise.  It poured this morning, I mean really poured.  I thought we may be having the 100 year flood, but it stopped.  Then the sun came out and T and I decided to go for a walk.  About 10 minutes in, threatening black clouds began to blow in.  Fairly quickly, actually and we got caught in it.  Soaked to the bone by the time we got home.  Threw our clothes in the dryer and continued to pack for our trip tomorrow. 
The sun came out again and we decided to go to the local Art Fair.  This time we were more aware of the black clouds coming in and found a place to take shelter while it rained.  It's awful for the artists to have to deal with rain, but I guess that's how it goes. So this time we were only sprinkled on.  But the temperature dropped a good 15 degrees.  Right now it is sunny and coolish.  We may need to don a jacket if we sit outside.
Tomorrow morning we are off to the airport.  I hope that my suitcase isn't too heavy.

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