Our Historic Moat

In quite a few of my shots,I have mentioned the nearby Historic Horseshoe Moat.
  It is said to be Pre Roman.And was the protective moat surrounding a settlement of houses.In the center is a Meadow for grazing the animals.And of course the water was used to breed and fatten up fish(Carp usually) for the table.
  The waters protect the North,West and South bounderies.The fortified Building then protected the East side!
  This is the West section.This is the part that has all the leeks.
Since the springs that fed the moat have been piped off so that the surrounding land can be developed.Water to the Moat is now very limited! It needs relining with clay,as it was originally.But of course English Heritage have no funds for the project.
   So something that has survived for 1000's of years is drying up.And once it does,the base will crack and it will never hold water again! 
  Since I moved here in 1971,until they developed the area,the water level was always maintained by the springs.Even in the drought of 76!

  Shame or what?

Enjoy the view.I do most days.When I'm up to it and the weather is kind.

For the technically minded.Shot on my D3 full frame + Sigma 12-24 @ 12mm 

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