For Joanna & her family

Dear Blipfoto friends & good people around the world,

I'm asking you for any money donation for one of the mums I know, who is in great need of collecting monies for her alternative cancer treatment, please find the link and her story below, hope you can help a little :)

God bless you!


Link to her Just Giving Page

My name is Joanna, also known as Asia.I am mother of two children, Liliana (5) and Nikodem (2). I am married to Darek.
When I was expecting my second child, I developed terrible back pain, which I assumed was due to the pregnancy. As my due date approached the pain became unbearable and I was admitted to hospital. With the birth of my beautiful boy came the diagnosis of stage 3C ovarian cancer.
Just 4 weeks after giving birth I began a 6 month course of chemotherapy followed by a full hysterectomy. The unfailing support of my family and friends got me through this difficult treatment whilst still caring for my toddler and new born.
For 9 months, the doctors thought I was cancer free. Sadly, in November 2015 I was told that the cancer has metastasised and is now present in my lymph nodes. With this news, the doctors also told me that there were no conventional treatments that could cure me. Chemotherapy is only able to slow the spread of the cancer by around 6-9 months. This is not enough, I need to live longer, my children deserve to have their mother for longer.
Following extensive research and consultations with a number of cancer experts, I have found a clinic in Germany which offers a range of treatments that have been shown to be effective on ovarian cancer. They have put together a treatment plan that consists of:
• Two weeks of intensive treatment 
• One day a week outpatient treatment for 10 weeks and then repeat treatment in couple of months .
I have always been a proudly independent woman, and have worked hard all my life. I find it very difficult to ask for help – and putting this webpage together to ask people to give me money is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. But cancer is forcing me to change. I want to live for my children and to do this I need to ask for help.
If you feel able to help me by making a donation towards my treatment, no matter how small, I will be so grateful for your kindness and generosity.  
Thank you

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