Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Behind the Bar

A full day and Evening at the V Festival.  After the glorious weather of the last few days today was typical music festival weather; such a shame.

One of our duties at work is to ensure that the licensed trade are acting responsibly.  We visited one of the bars selling alcohol to the festival goers. This year's crowd is young and predominantly female so we were asking the bar manager how they made sure they didn't sell alcohol to people under 18.  Look top left as it is one of the prompts for bar staff.  The manager was very knowledgable and was able to answer our questions.

The other interesting thing is how the bar team is set up to be as efficient as possible.  You have a manager, servers, preparers, cashiers and the technical team behind the scenes making sure the automated beer delivery equipment keeps on pumping out the amber liquid.  

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