Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

A Song For Departure

Evening all,

there shall, you will be pleased to know, be no knob gags to go with this blip.

Well apart from that one, obviously.

Started our get fit for summer plan today, although we all seem to have a hacking cough and are producing more phlegm than the front row of a late 70s punk rock concert.

I nearly did 200 sit ups this morning, i was only 150 short of the target....

then off to Mrs R's swanky health club to use the facilities this afternoon.
(ooh er missus)

Tomorrow we're embracing Badminton and table tennis before shooting off for an overnight stay, but not sure where yet, it'll be fairly local and probably sea side-y but who knows...

night all!

manic street preachers

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