Costa Rica Adventure...FrootLoop

Spotted this Keel-billed Toucan while on a bird walk early in the morning at our resort. Traveled to Sarapiqui, where we checked into our next lodge...Ara Ambigua Lodge. Shortly after arriving at the lodge our group went on a Nature Hike and then back to the lodge for a presentation on Wildlife Corridors.  Tomorrow, early morning bird walk, breakfast...then 'white water' rafting, most likely not much more than a 'float' down the river.  In the afternoon we tour an Organic Pineapple plantation. 
Although this photo was taken on Friday 8/19, when I went to blip it I wasn't allowed to post it that day, I have no idea why not but I'm too tired to figure it out! So...

I really do appreciate you stopping by to take a look at my photos from Costa Rica. I apologize that I'm not able to visit you back or even answer your kind comments. I'm pretty much exhausted by the end of the day and these lodges don't have Wifi in the rooms, so I'm sitting in a very warm and humid lobby. 

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