This morning we went to Falmouth has H wanted to check his boat moorings his boat is next to the blue one.the forecast is south west gales in the early hours of saturday morning which will be straight into Porthleven harbour if the wind doesn't change direction H boat hopefully will be ok.we walked into the town and bought a bucket has the chap who cleaned out the gutter and washed them droped the bucket.his ladder was not long enough to reach the back of the house as the garden is on a slope so he said he will come back next Thursday as he has to clean his parents who live a few doors extra pics is of this lady who i have seen before who wears large hats and she always coordinate them with her attire.a couple she obviously knew said you look very smart but you always do.i think she goes into a cafe just down the road as i have seen her in there .how nice to think she still likes to look smart as she must of been in her eighties.the other pic is the hut that sell tickets for boat trips .we then went to a cafe and had a bowl of soup with a roll before comming home.

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