If only they were diamonds

The sun has just emerged from what has been a grey and wet day so I decided to venture into the garden to see if I could find any drips or drops.  The leaves on the smoke bush were looking particularly sparkly so I decided to have a go at capturing some of them.  I'm quite pleased with this one edge on and I have tried to compose my whole shot as instructed by Emma in the 30 days of composition series.  Not easy with a macro lens hand held.

This week has been a busy one, but with more time to do the things I want to do and have to do.  The balance isn't always easy to achieve as I'm sure many of you know.  Mom has been quite mithered this week.  She phoned me and left a message yesterday morning asking me to contact her urgently.  I know there's something wrong when Dad helps her to phone me.  It's normally a sign that she is struggling with something and Dad is at the end of his tether.  We were out swimming and investigating bikes when the call came so I was a bit worried about what I would find when I eventually got to her.  The first thing she asked me when I went to supervise her getting out of the shower was "Where's Mom?"  My gran died in 1967. I managed to convince Mom that I was there to look after her now and would take the place of her own Mom for her and make sure she was all right.  Today, their new fridge was arriving so that upset her equilibrium too as she couldn't understand why there were two strange men in her kitchen...  And so it goes on.  I've been able to be more patient today than yesterday.

On we go...  Sunshine after rain...

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