Me, you and blip

By margaworld

A sunflower for Granny!

Another uneventful day, filled by studying (or attempts at it..), a trip to the Moor top shops where I bought this sunflower plant for my Granny and an evening bike ride over to my cousin's house. Quiet, but nice! It's nice to spend time with family after a long time of being away and rushing from one place to another. Even if I have to study pretty much all day. Something which is proving particularly hard after so long away from it all... Ho hum!

I have a question for photo experts.. I saw a Canon eos 5 film camera today for sale in the local charity shop. It comes with an extra "tall" flash and lens and works perfectly. It was priced at £35. Now I'm definitely not an expert on any type of photography and I'm more than happy with my simple point and shoot camera, but I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to experiment a bit with film photography and after looking it up on the internet it looks like this camera is quite good (as far as film cameras are concerned at least).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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