A Hairy Back
If you don't like hairy backs, I apologise. Waxing was not an option.
Peacock butterfly - Aglais io
The first decent quality specimen that I have seen this year so I assume it has newly emerged.
I chose this one because the angle of view shows off its really hairy back. Those of you who prefer the more usual angle on butterflies, I have included one as an 'extra'.
Read no further unless you want to know more about the making
of yesterday's blip.
I found the subject of yesterday's blip very dynamic and constantly appealing to me. A bit like a lava lamp but more interesting.
It was actually a glass jar filled with waste oil/fat from the last four roast chickens we have had. The contents were originally stratified with gravy/gunge layers, opaque semi-congealed fat topped with slightly cloudy oil.
It got moved near the stove, also in direct sunlight, where it heated up and became more unified with just two layers with a sort of protein skin/membrane between the gravy/gunge and a clarified oil layer. Bacterial action (I presume) produced the gas (methane?) which lifted the membrane into mountainous peaks as it strove to reach the surface.
The photos all had a strong yellow colour from the oil which was eliminated by adjusting the colour map and partially de-saturating the image.
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