One Man Went to Mow

Milou was enjoying watching the farmer mowing his meadow this afternoon!

I don't know where today's gone, I was at the hospital this morning for my Herceptin treatment, and whilst I was there I got an email about the job I applied for a couple of weeks ago. She apologised for taking so long to come back to me, but said they had nearly 500 applicants! Anyway the good news is that they would like me to go for an interview - she's going to come back to me with a date shortly.

So after I'd finished at the hospital, I went to Next to buy something to wear for the interview. Then I decided to pick up some shopping from the supermarket, and it was almost 3pm by the time I got home!

Alison popped round for a coffee and a catch up, and then tonight we've been to B&Q to get some laminate flooring for the 'palace'. That's the final job apart from a few little finishing touches.

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