Thunderbugs are Go

From a distance, this white rose looked pristine, but close up you can see the tiny beasties all over it.  We call them thunderbugs, but I know that different areas of the UK have their own name for them.  It usually means damp and humid weather, but it was actually dry and quite cool today:-)

TJ spent the whole day jet-washing the patio and repairing some of the grouting.  The very wet winter and spring had left it rather green in places, but it looks much better now.  

I wasted spent the day researching curtains online and changing my mind every five minutes about what I want for the study when it's finished.  Bit of a delay on that, as the plasterer is not able to come until the end of the month, having previously said it would be the middle.  So we were a bit premature in clearing out the rooms affected and will have to live in a muddle for longer than I hoped.  C'est la vie:-)

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