Another day...Another church.......... or two

Mr U&L had an appointment at the hospital in East Grinstead this afternoon as he has to have a pre op appointment for the skin graft on his eye lid. While he was busy doing this, I went back into the town of East Grinstead to take a walk round the beautiful and huge St Swithuns church.
St Swithuns church stands on the site of an C11 church. it was struck by lightening in 1772, and rebuilt by James Wyatt and opened in 1789. It is Grade ll listed.
They were giving tours round the church which was lovely, and I was able to explain the Kempe signature to my guide..making me feel good I had been able to pass on some knowledge.
Despite having loads of shots of the numerous windows I thought I would share this shot from the main door looking out towards the High street, as church door shots go I think this is a really good one!

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