Wee Wagtail

Of all the birds that come around the garden the hardest to blip are the Wagtails and Willow Warblers. Neither visits the bird table or stays still long enough to get a focus on them.

For the last week there have been 3 wagtail chicks and their parents in the area, mostly spending their time in a neighbour's garden where the parents seem to find plenty of insects amongst the grass. First thing this morning they were at the back of our house and, despite the poor light and rain, I decided to try and blip them. It was impossible to get enough shutter speed in the light and the best shots of mother feeding one of the chicks with a big daddy long legs were just too grainy. I settled instead on this one of a chick waiting its turn to be fed!

Not the best of shots, but at least I can score the Wagtail off the list of birds to be blipped!

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