Endless Weekend

By Endless_Weekend

Ducks on a pond

I started this painting originally in pastels and while I liked it, it felt like it was screaming to be done in watercolor.  As we know, I struggle with watercolor, but I decided I was up for the challenge.  It's been fun working on it and I actually like this.  Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.

It's another hot day and I've been clearing out my closets today.  The ceiling fan kept me cool, and an audio book kept me entertained and I managed to bag up 3 bags of clothing that are now waiting to be picked up by some women in my neighborhood, courtesy of a Facebook page called "Gift Everything".  It's a fantastic tool for gifting what I no longer can use.  I've given away so many things that way and I know it helps folks in my neighborhood.

"Ducks on a pond, ducks on a pond
Very pretty swimming round
The lion and the unicorn journey very far
The answers are the question, sir..."  -- The Incredible String Band

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