twinned with trumpton


And so to the office; after the gentle reintroduction to work via the sofa and then the bike; the harsh reality of having to sit and listen to nonsense rather than the Motown back catalogue was a tough one. And I forgot headphones...!

Still... I fled at lunchtime; into the heat; roamed through Abbeyhill and then the parliament before resuming the toil.

I was out at 5.30 - except I wasn't. A thoughtless colleague had chained her bike up and included one of my gear cables. So I eventually (40 mins of faffing about) disentangled the cable when she duly turned up.

I was curt at her 'oh I didn't mean to'. Er lady, no one means to.... You still did and have lost me 45 mins and the time I now need to fix it back together...

To hers for dinner; I made meringues as an antidote to the bike debacle; then she did the rest - spinach and walnut soup; burritos and then the strawberries to accompany the meringues.

So tired; I left around 9 (school starts tomorrow; time enough for her to try and get G to bed) and collapsed on arrival home.

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