Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul


Went to Bassenthwaite this evening when it was a bit cooler.  What I hadn't thought about were the midges! There were trillions of them and I didn't have long sleeves, so now have a fair few itchy bites.  I must be a glutton for punishment as after I got home, had a quick dinner and then went out again to the marsh at Bowness hoping for a third sunset and possibly seeing my friend with her boxers.  

No sunset but plenty of midges but my friend turned up with her two boxers and her friend also with a boxer who was a bit full on as he's a youngster.  Misty told him off a few times until he eventually got the message and left her alone.  It was good for the  youngster and they had a good old run around on the marsh.  The midges got to us in the end and we had to escape them.

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