Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Moon Flight!!

After an arduous day at work, and with the weather about to turn tomorrow!!!!! We decided to head of down to the "Ferry Front" and enjoy a wee drink beside the sea.

Twas a great evening with a load of folk down there enjoying a bit of late evening sunshine.

The tourists were out in force tonight and I think the folks on the cruise liner had a great view of the bridges!! (see extra photo).

I had checked my "Moon App" and it was telling me that tonight would be a Full Moon so was keeping my eye out for it on the way home.

Without the tripod, I ended up playing about taking some shots, when I noticed that a plane was getting nice and close....Shot a few frames and managed to capture this image.....A wee bit grainy and the sharpness could be better but for a low light......I like it!!

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