20% of the crop!!

Our tree had a grand total of 5 plums on it and one had the audacity to drop off a couple of weeks ago. The remaining ones are rock hard!!
What a day today. It all started with the tension / anguish / excitement of Jason Kenny’s race last night which made for a late night. R went off to college to download the exam results whist we went to bed at midnight. I woke just after 3am, R wasn’t home as expected, but she arrived about 4am and went to bed.
I made a cup of coffee and and messed about until 5am as I was wide awake. R sounded cheerful, so I assumed that things have gone reasonably well.
We were up by 8am for breakfast and R went into college for 9am. By this time, I was absolutely knackered so went back to bed to sleep for another couple of hours. A rather disjointed 8hrs.
It will be early to bed tonight as R has to be in to collage for 7am. Doors open at 8am for the students to get their results. Looking forward to hearing how they have got on. It’s stressful for the students, but also for the teachers whose reputations depend on the grades the students get.

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