Crown of Thorns

Up bright and early and making piles of cheese and tomato sandwiches for 'Teas' at the annual Regatta. I'm afraid that was our only contribution for we by-passed all the excitment and went for a walk 'over the top' instead. The rain held off and there seem to have been a good crowd but we avoided the live duck race, bash a rat and wheel of fortune that accompanies the skiff races.
The heather is out - quite a few different kinds and everywhere are little dancing brown butterflies. I think this one is a Gatekeeper - I hope angellightphotos will put me right if I'm wrong. He had alighted on an old rag stuck in the gorse. The walk was lovely but we both felt a bit lacking in energy, I blame the low pressure, so scone (himself) and pineapple and carrot cake (me) were taken at Annabel's cafe. Extremely good.
The video shop in Bantry has recently closed down and I was just passing when she put notice of her sale in the window. I got a good haul of films for 2 euro each and last night we watched Atonement. What a sad and melancholy film, beautifully made and Keira Knightley looks so exquisite in it. Not sure what it might be tonight - a wide variety beckons from The Queen to The Departed with Milk in between - all good.

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