Releasing the Dreaming

For a few nights now I've been dreaming about an album cover. Wakeful, I could see the cover but I couldn't remember what it was called or why I was dreaming about it...I knew where it should be. But could I be arsed motivated to seek it out?

Then a friend on Facebook challenged me to upload an album cover, for no real reason. So I had to dig into the uncharted backwaters of the garage, where vinyl artworks have lain undisturbed throughout the twenty-first century (and earlier, I have no turntable... in fact I don't even have a cd player any more).

Seeing it, it wasn't at all the one I thought it would be. It's an old Krishna Consciousness album I picked up at Stonehenge Free Festival in 1979 - I guess it was new then. Long time ago in a different life. But you can still hear it, even without a turntable, here

Which means I can put this one back in the cardboard box in the garage... ;-)

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