Egyptian Geese: second brood!
(Seriously fluffy in large)
I promised myself that I'd blip something other than waterfowl today; I took photographs of the torrential rain both this morning and in the early afternoon. I went into the garden and photographed droplets on glistening flowers...
... but then I went to Eagle Pond.
The "original" Egyptian geese have had a second brood! There are now 9 new Egyptian goslings: they are tiny and super-cute! They had 9 last time too.
They must be brand new: they are all mal-coordinated and fall over frequently.
They are very funny: they struggle to walk, but still chase off pigeons that get amongst them...
Sigh I know how the next few weeks are going to pan out... (R.I.P. productivity).
I've uploaded a picture of all of them on the water here (on Blipfolio): I was pleased with the way that the water was coloured where the goslings had disturbed it (because it was reflecting the blue sky overhead), but grey and mercurial where it was undisturbed.
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