OH DAMN.....

... you spotted me!!

Now that the main swimming and a lot of the stadium events in the Alternative Olympic Games (AOG) are over, many of the stars are out enjoying the sights!!

Remember Rocket red , and his attempt at the 100 metre dash, well history now has it recorded he did not win! Partly due stopping far too much for some nectar, and now found socialising in one of the bars (see extra) soaking up his sorrow at the loss. The lights of course were flashing madly so a bit of a wild shot!

And, we can report that smooth Freddie the skink  won his Gold medal in the new rock climbing event, and was also found out socialising in a bar feeding up on banana smoothie (in second extra) - worth a look in large to see his tongue action!

Thanks again to Debbi for not only hosting the AOG's but her brilliant nature shots and stories. Check the other AOG16 shots for a good chuckle and much enjoyment in the wonderful shots.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

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