Back to school

Forgot the traditional back to school pics, will rectify the situation tomorrow, unless we are distracted again. Because I was this morning. I was in part zen/part shock as my endless nag, nag, nagging the day before to ask them to be dressed and down for brekkie at 7.15am actually paid off...they were, they did, they delivered. In fact, Tess was up before before 6.30am (and completely crashed tonight by 10). So I was too in cloud pretendy calm to remember to take a photo.

And our days seemed long, but fine afterwards. I gave a lift to a complete stranger at one point, we shared stories and went on our separate ways. Tess stayed on in Meldrum after school with her pals and I forced Sam to come to the beach in the late evening with me and the hair balls and it turned out to be 90 minutes of loveliness ...beach finds, fishy business, doo-lally dogs, sunshine and a mostly calm Betty Boo who didn't growl much at other folks. Wee visit to Gma and Gda on way home and then back home, safe and sound to hear Sam add another chapter title to his biography (you know, that one that will be made up of chapter titles but perhaps no content). Anyways, to recap so far, the book is called "100% Chance of One Duck" with chapters in chronological order as follows:

"I'm too young for the consequences of love" (the young philosopher)

"Hint of 'tache" (those awkward years of puberty)

"Kim's Pimms" (seeing my parents' friends drunk)

Here's Sam rescuing a wee fishy.

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