Azores - Pico

We headed to the island of Pico by ferry from Faial. A delightful and efficient journey across - only 7 km.

Pico, another island with twice as many cows as people.

Pico, with Mount Pico, towering over the land, in changing cloud and light. The highest peak in Portugal. Wonderful volcano, pictured here with vineyards immediately in the foreground, as tourists strive for the perfect shot.

Pico. whaling areas, wonderful vineyards with the vines protected from the winds by walls of volcanic stone.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, some scarily recent. A marvellous relaxed and friendly pace of life.

Lava scenery, a lake lost in fog, a magnificent lunch with more of the locally caught fish and terrific cheese and wine.

I recommend this Paradise. And we've headed back to the island of Faial before we continue our explorations tomorrow.

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