Fire fire

Up and off on an adventure once I had rectified the mess I had made with the tickets.

Boarded the train and off we headed, everyone was very excited but think Unki Jamie was most excited.

Arrived on Bridgnorth and walked / carried up into the town. Found a place for a picnic and had a lovely time. Icecreams followed.
Walked - carried down the steps and back onto the train to return back to where we started, due to arrive at 2:30.

The train stopped at 1:50 having departed at 1:40. We were then stuck, on the train until 4:20! There was a line side fire so we were not permitted to move - from what we heard there were 10 fire engines in attendance - we certainly saw enough fire engines and people with fire beating sticks.

We eventually got back into the car ready to leave at 5:30, just three hours later than planned. Emergency subway stop for tea in the car and home by 6:30

A lovely day
But just a bit knackered now

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