
By Jellybean79

Technology day.

Today has been a day of thinking about improving my functional activity and sorting technology.
The OT came out to work out my functional goals. Some of which are practical goals others are things like wanting to return to taking better photos. I then spent time hunting though most of my photos on my external hard drive trying to, unsuccessfully, find a suitable photo of me that I can use for my blue badge application. Has to be passport suitable.
The best bit of the day was playing with the new camera I got just before I went into hospital. The blip is a little boring but the other day my dad borrowed my camera and couldn't the macro setting and we messed up the settings between us. I found it today and as the closes thing to me was the camera instruction manual it was the only thing to try it on. Can't wait to get out next time and take the camera and get some better photos.

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