Black and white

A very quiet day poolside.  Robin left for Istanbul this afternoon, and Sally's friend left too, so that there are now only five of us here.  I have never known the place to be so quiet and empty in peak-season August.  Kind of weird. 

The kitty is a local we named Cleo. She sat on my lap for ages in the late afternoon, and we ruminated on life, the universe and everything.   I was greatly surprised when later this evening Cleo - who is sometimes friendly and sometimes skittish - walked on to my patio followed by, well, Cleo.  Two identical kitties - that explains it!  I tried to take a photo but it didn't work out, taking a picture of two black cats in the dark!  

My heart goes out to my friend who had bad, sad news today. Safe journey back to Canada on Thursday. 

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