Swan lake

Today was basically spent moving from one place to eat to another. It's granny's birthday celebration day (actual occasion is tomorrow, she's working as are everyone else).

Started off at church. Where the kids had a snack time picnic on the parachute during games time and still had biscuits after church.

We drove to Scarborough where uncle Andrew had put on drinks and cakes at their beach chalet for all my mothers children, spouses and offspring. 10 of us? Something like that (though the jam inside the cupcakes offended two of the three grandchildren).

Next eatery was lunch for 6 at a nice carvery. Very pleasant time, didn't rush us too obviously even when we were the only people left in the restaurant at 330. From there we moved to a different venue for afternoon coffee. Same party. Change of scene to a location with a

We then decided to walk off some of the inactivity and gluttony & fed unappreciated bird pellets to swans, geese and ducks. And spotted a rogue robin & a couple of beautiful herons. Katie declared at the moment in the blip that she is in fact Rothbart and is commanding the swans.

We then went to the final eating place as it was felt tea should take place, for that is the rightful way of these things. And I had wanted chips by the sea since about Wednesday. The north bay kindly obliged in providing a beautiful view, free parking and a cafe selling chips. We even managed a wee blipmeet with countrymouse. a day of excellent eating and without making any washing up for the birthday girl. Success.

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