Off to see Miranda!

I am led to believe that this is how you look when you go to see the comedienne Miranda who is from the USA. Anyway Miss G and her lovely friend Miss R headed off with Dad into Bristol to see the show. They got back late last night and this morning were full of the evening they had at the Colston Hall.

Farming - Two on compost and three on harvesting bracken using our forager. They use the bracken for composting.

Bit of a domestic day for me. Cleaned out my food cupboard in the kitchen. I have arranged my goods according to type. Jams , honey and sweet things on one shelf. Pickles and savoury spreads on another and vinegar and the like on the third. This won't last for long as people will forget. This resulted in Mr Tbay shouting help earlier. Thinking he was about to drop something or had a serious problem I rushed into the kitchen to find him holding the tomato ketchup looking confused asking the question ' help, where do I put this' . Lol!!

Weather lovely all day.

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