Philly's new tea cup

Dear Diary,

After Blue Boy broke the old tea cup I put in a new one, closer to the ground, easier to access and for me to fill. It only took Philly a few minutes to discover it...and to knock it over! But that's alright. It doesn't have far to fall and spilled seeds can easily be collect by the birds. She did scamper up the little tree peony once and was a bit perplexed not to see the other cup and saucer in its usual place but she is a quick learner.

I've added a couple of extra shots of Philly exploring her new cup and saucer. She looks so adorable in it. She just fits! It is much smaller than the last one.

We had a scary moment last week when a wild fire broke out in a remote area not far from my house but our wonderful volunteer firefighters aided by the state helicopter which dumped water on it quickly got it under control. The rain we got late Friday and Saturday was a godsend for sure. I've been worried about fires all this hot dry summer. These men and women are amazing, risking their lives in 98 degree heat for no pay...true heroes in my book.

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