
By momcat1

The insect events continued this AM at the NY AOG stadium with  the entry of a new competitor: Blue Damselfly. She looks quiet pleased with herself after her performance in the Fly By competition. Her only real competitor was Red the dragonfly , who didn't complete her run,being distracted by the water feature on the course. Team Mason bee was too distracted by the nearby flowers to bee  serious competition. 
Team Cardinal showed up to compete in the Sunflower seed grab competition today but were blown out of the stadium by the entrance of Team Blue jay who simply can't be beaten on this event.
Team Squirrel ( in extras) looks on from the stands waiting their turn at the grab in the rodent division. Team Squirrel is the odds on favorite here as they can clean out a  feeder  faster than the officials can fill it .They know they have team Chipmunk on the run.

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