A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Wanna play?

She's not kidding about. As Jackson observed, she doesn't do subtle. Despite hours of tug and swimming and running around the pool, oh and the heat, she still has energy for more. Actually could be connected to today being the first day since her Adventure that she has eaten heartily. It could also of course be, that like us all, she was just missing Carlos last week and it put her off her stride.

My folks last day and they have now headed home leaving the five of us to two weeks of wall to wall relaxation. Well, if you take your relaxation in the form of games... specifically today, a brutal 2hr Hearts marathon this morning with Jackson demolishing me, Anna and my dad. A couple of water volleyball games for the four of us with occasional added dog, an evening half of a Hearts session that was equally brutal (though I suspect that is the nature of the game) and later the start of a Famous Five Jigsaw Mystery Puzzle game for me and Anna.

We should hopefully all sleep well tonight.

Lesley x

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