Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Smallest Bathroom Sink in the Woooorld

My Dear Fellow,

Here is the bathroom sink. I think it's a soup-bowl with a plughole and taps.

Not that it matters so much. People make a huge deal about bathrooms, but it is striking now that we are in a flat with a bathroom little bigger than a kitchen cupboard how little it seems to matter.

It is true we need to annex part of the hallway while drying out after a shower, but it is not as if I use that part of the hallway for anything else.

Having said all that, I spent a reasonable amount of time in the bathroom last night between 2.30 and 5.00am. I won't go into detail. There was a curry involved. That's all I'm going to say. And about 3 rolls of toilet paper. But I've said too much. I might have let out a groan that sounded like a wounded bull-moose at one point. I'll stop there.

So I'm planning a sleepy day today, and it is good to have the blip out of the way nice and early. 


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